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I have been familiar with journalism since I was a young boy, as the current news and human stories were always discussed at home and in school. Coming from a country like India where more than a lakh newspapers and journals are published in 23 different languages and around 100 news and travel channels in different languages, the news always interested me and intrigued me at the same time.


It is for this passion of capturing the human stories that I decided to give up my job as a Senior Trainer in a corporate and head to a different country to study journalism. Giving up my  six year-long comfort zone was never easy but through this tough journey, I have made many friends and gained experience in a whole new world. From making documentaries to producing & directing tv news and talk shows and being on the field covering live reports and working with friends from different countries; the experience has been a roller coaster ride for me


Over time, managing different job roles in different fields has helped me deliver appealing and engaging content with a high level of clarity and accuracy.


My up to date knowledge of current events, efficiency in managing deadlines and team spirit is what makes me a positive contributor to the team I work with.

Being a backpacker for the last few years, I have always wanted to discover things and figure the hidden stories. Journalism has helped me use my writings and camera tell these stories.  In the words of Tom Stoppard, “I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon.”


I am now all set for new challenges and opportunities to explore my new skills and take it to a new level.






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